Duet Mania

Register now!!
Click here - to register.
- Everyone should have a duo partner or the partners we provide you will have to play with them and fill the form to register.
- No hacks are allowed.
- Matches will be 2v2v2v2.
- Matches will be knockout type.
- Matches will be live at Pin Pundri And MiniMilitiaWars channel Channel link of MMW- click here Channel link of Pin Pundri- click here .
- Payment method will be paytm only.
- If anyone found hack will be disqualified straight away.
- If anyone does not come on given time he will be disqualified straight away.
- No one should abuse or spam each other during or before the matches.
- Don't forget to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for further updates on tournament.
- Registration are open till 5th june.
- Do read full details in process of tournament.
Click here - to register.
Tournament will be organized by MINIMILITIAWARS and PIN PUNDRI, so they have complete rights to eliminate any team if they voilate any of rules during the tournament,For solo registrations team will be provided by the organizers and teams will be changed in every round those who want fixed teams will have to pay extra or concern with the organizers,
Fixtures will be fixed according to skills and it will take place in more than 2 rounds and first round will be the Elimination round
So, be ready with your armor and snipers kill them all with your duo partner or solo we are all set to see you in this tournament
Hurry up and click here - to register
Fixtures for round 3 was set according to round 2 teams/player who qualified round 2 entered round 3, now the fixtures were set accordingly so that we see a clashing battle in round 3 let's check out previous round highlights here.
For Round 3 fixtures click HERE
Matches for round 3 will begin from 13th june 2018, 4 matches each day which will be 2vs2vs2 and only one team will qualify this round from each group and other two teams will be out of the tournament but don't lose hope another tournament is all set to launch after this tournament so stay tuned with our social handles and web.
Fixtures for round 1 were set according to average skills of duo teams and solo players were given teams similarly and further similar process were followed for any queries regarding fixtures contact us from here. Fixtures Round 1 available here!!
matches were held from 5th june 2018, 4 matches in a day and evening shifts and each match was be 2vs2vs2 top two team were qualified to round 2 and third team was disqualified similarly let's hope for the best in round 2, and disqualified team stay tuned for upcoming event on our social handles.